Tuesday, February 16, 2010

waterfall model

1.waterfall model is the oldest model also called as classic lifecycle model as well as linear sequential model
2.it suggest a systematic sequenial approach in s/w development
3.this process begins with customers specification of requirements and progress through different activities like

communication ,planning,modelling construction deployment and ends in completed s/w
4.in communication phase the mojor task done is requirement gathering which help to find out exact need of the customer
5.once the initial communication is done, the next step is planning which includes major activities like planning traces on

the process and the estimation related project
6.in modelling, we have to analyse the data and as per the analysis s/w has been designed .Based on the designing of the

project the coding i.e progrmming and testing is done
7.in the last phase,deploy the product i.e. product is actually delivered .
here the s/w is installed at the customer end and support is given if required as well the feedback is taken from the

customer to ensure the quality of product

communication [information,gathering and requirement]
planning [estimating ,scheduling,tracking]
modelling [analysis,design]
construction [test code]
deployment [delivery, feedback]

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