Monday, February 15, 2010

Circuit Switching

lCircuit-switched networks use temporary paths created through the network along which to transmit data.
lThere are two types of virtual circuits:
lpermanent virtual circuits (PVC)
lswitched virtual circuits (SVC)
lPermanent virtual circuits (PVC)
ldedicated path between two points used when data communications must take place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A PVC is similar to a telephone call that never ends. (more expensive option)
lSwitched virtual circuits (SVC)
lSVCs are established on demand and ended when the communication is complete. SVCs are often called a dialup service because the SVC is established just like a telephone call and terminated in the same way. SVCs are used when the need to transfer data is sporadic. (circuit must be established & terminated each time data is sent, requiring some overhead)

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