Monday, February 15, 2010


A Dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) system can be viewed as a parallel set of optical channels,each using a slightly different wavelength,but all sharing a single transmission medium.

DWDM Functions
-To increase the Transport capacity of the network
What it does
-Transports more than one/multiple optical channels over a single optical fibre cable
-Transmits simultaneously multiple carriers of different wave lengths over a single fibre
- Enables transmission of data from different sources simultaneously at same time with different carrier wave lengths

DWDM is used to:
Provide cost effective migration from low capacity network to high capacity networks
Offers flexibility,versatility, multi service platform, bit rate protocol independent,less expensive compared to SONET or SDH.
Open doors to Ethernet systems like SAN(Storage area network),NAS(Network attached storage)
Ideal for Metro networks as it can carry Ethernet on one wave length,SDH on another,HDTV(High definition TV) on another wave length
Up to 80 separate wave lengths/channels of data can be transported
Fibre carrying 2.5 Gbps(STM 16) can be made to carry 200 billion bits

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