Monday, February 15, 2010

Packet Switching

lThe carrier creates virtual circuits, a system that specifies a path between specific sites, within its network.
lThe path is not dedicated, however, and data can flow across different routers but still arrive at the same destination.

lEach packet is transmitted in a store-and-forward process.
lWhen a router receives a packet, it stores the packet temporarily. After reviewing the packet’s address information, the router forwards the packet.
lThe time that it takes to store the packet causes a slight latency in the transmission.
lBecause packet-switched protocols provide for error checking and flow control, packet switching is very efficient.
lThe virtual circuit minimizes the connection time between any two systems, reducing the load on the network.
lBecause virtual circuits are closed after each packet is forwarded, a router is available to accept information from a router for a different virtual circuit.
lVoice over IP (VoIP) phone calls use this

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