Monday, February 15, 2010

Advantages of DWDM

Transparency—Because DWDM is a physical layer architecture, it can transparently support both TDM and data formats such as ATM, Gigabit Ethernet, ESCON, and Fibre Channel with open interfaces over a common physical layer.
Scalability—DWDM can leverage the abundance of dark fiber in many metropolitan area and enterprise networks to quickly meet demand for capacity on point-to-point links and on spans of existing SONET/SDH rings.
Dynamic provisioning—Fast, simple, and dynamic provisioning of network connections give providers the ability to provide high-bandwidth services in days rather than months.
Flexible, agile, presents low capital cost, low operational cost and offers high revenue generation.
As demands change, more capacity can be added, either by simple equipment upgrades or by increasing the number of lambdas on the fiber,
Some types of older fiber are not suitable for DWDM use, while newer types, such as NZ-DSF, are optimized for DWDM.

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