Monday, January 4, 2010

UNIT 8: Understanding existence and co-existence

Interrelation and cyclicity between material order, bio-order, animal-order and human-order.

Understanding the human conduct: Relationship in family, justice in relationship, relationship of human with nature(environment), human behavior, human values, nature and morality

Understanding the human society: Dimensions of humans Endeavor and objectives, inter-relationship in society, mutual fulfillment and cyclicity in nature.(06 Lectures)

How the existence is nothing but coexistence?

Interrelation and cyclicity between material order, bio-order, animal-order and human-order is there in the existence and are in synergy with each other. Thus existence is nothing but coexistence.

What is co-existentialism?

Co-existentialism is the philosophy which establishes the interdependence & interrelationship amongst the four orders namely material order, bio-order, animal-order and human-order. The harmony between these orders is the very basis of their existence.

What are the various needs human beings have?

Psychological needs & material needs

What is the difference between psychological needs & material needs?

Psychological needs are not quantifiable but required completely by all human beings irrespective of age, caste or gender and are continuous in nature such as faith, respect etc & material needs are quantifiable and short food,clothing etc.

What is Human conduct and how is that related to environmental issues?

We observe that out of the four orders enumerated above all the three orders excepting the human order are in harmony with each other and fulfill the condition of inherent cyclicity which is the very basis of existence. All the environmental problems prevailing today are due to erratic behavior of the human being.

Descriptive Question:

What is Jeevan Vidya and discuss as to how is it relevant in todays context?

What is Jeevan Vidya?

Jeevan Vidya brings out the innate harmony in existence and clarifies that man by understanding this harmony is able to be in harmony within himself and with others in society and rest of nature. This in turn leads to value based conduct, education, constitution and order in the society which is the desire of every human being.

It gives you a process of dialogue between what you are and what you really want to be and helps you explore the natural acceptance for harmony within you and in your interactions with the existence. This exploration is a process of being in harmony in oneself and in harmony with the entire existence.

Write a brief note on Madhya Darshan Sahastitvad?

Madhyastha Darshan elucidates the inherent order in the Existence and has been expounded in the form of universal aphorisms. It is completely free of mysticism. Madhyastha Darshan: Sah-astitvavad contemplates on ‘Eexistence being Coexistence’, mutual fulfillment and cyclicity in nature, nature friendly ways and behavior in society, value based justice in family and right understanding of co-existence in an individual leading to eternal happiness. Madhyastha-Darshan has been presented as Alternative to Idealism and Materialism – The two ideologies which emerged in the history of humankind.

Shri.A. Nagraj propounded the human centric philosophy which he has christened as Madhyastha Darshan:Sah-astitvavad is a universal remedy for all the ills that are marring the present day society and the nature. The philosophy, which is quite comprehensive in nature, has been presented in four parts viz: Manav Vyavhar Darshan, Manav Karm Darshan, Manav Abhyas Darshan, Anubhav Darshan. Other important treatises on universal human conduct, universal order and an integrated society propounded by him are Vyavaharvadi Samajshastra, Avartansheel Arthashastra, Manav Sanchetnavadi Mano- vigyan, Samadhanatmak Bhautikvad, Vyaharatmak Janvad and Anubhavatmak Adhyatmavad, Paribhasha Samhita, Manviya Samvidhan Manviya aacharan sutra.

Note : For further information and queries on Value education & Jeevan Vidya contact

Dr. Surendra Pathak, Director; Jeevan Vidya Study Centre; Somaiya Vidyavihar; Vidyavihar (E), Mumbai;Phone No. 022-25140489/25149400; Mob. 9930905790 /9930905791; Email: ;


profbsgoyal said...

The philosophy and practical application of Jeevan Vidya is a revolutionary tool to help us lead a meaningful and beautiful life, filled with the essence of all human values. I have written a book, Human Values and Professional Ethics containing material that covers the topics prescribed by the UPTU. Those interested may contact me at 9811808305 or -Prof. Bhagwat S. Goyal

Anonymous said...

thanks for ur comments

its gonna surely help

Unknown said...

AADARNIYA PATHAK JI,NAMASHKAR.Mera mobile no. 09425042611 hai.mera e mail rkjain.880@rediffmail hai.Dr.Raj kumar Jain.Itarsi


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