Wednesday, September 29, 2010

List of experiments

System Security
1.Implementation of DES algorithm
2.Implementation of Substitution Cipher
3.Implementation of RSA algorithm
4.Implementation of diffie hellman
5.Implementation of Transposition Cipher
6.Configuration of Firewall
7. Implementation of CAPTCHA
8.Implementation of MD5 algorithm

Robotics and artificial intelligence
1.Composite Rotation matrix kinematics
3.Inverse kinematics
4. 8 queens
5. tic tac toe
6.water jug problem
7.crypto-arithmetic problem
8. Search algorithm (dfs)
9.Medical diagnosis in Prolog

Saturday, September 25, 2010

SS 2nd assignment

Assignment No 2

11 question out of 15


Sr. No.




Different types of networks



Short Note on topologies of network



Give characteristics of different netowork


What makes a network Vulnerable


Who attacks a network


List the various reason for which networks are attacked


Short note on firewall and What are different types of Firewall


Short Note on Spoofing


Explain Session Hijacking


Compare Link Encryption and End to End Encryption



Shot Note on VPN


Short Note on IDS (Intrusion Detection System)


What Security Problems are faced while using Karbose (Not Sure About the spelling) in Distributed System


What firewalls can and cannot block


Short Note on Digital Distributed Authentication

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Project Management Seminar

A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge Third 3Rd Edition 2004 Pmbok Pmi

Rita Mulcahy PMP Exam Prep 2005 Fifth edition


Project Management Slide

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


37.3 mb

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

rai refrence book

mc lab manual

mobile computing lab manual

plz note "except 1st and till 5th write up only....."

mc question bank chp 8

Q1. with neat diagram explain three tier architecture for mobile computing.

Q2. Explain wireless application protocols in detail..

Q3. Write a short note on:

a) OS used in wireless systems.

b) Mobile file system

c) Mobile databases

d) WML

e) J2ME and Java card

f) Synchronization protocols.

g) M-commerce

h) Synchronized multimedia markup language(SMIL)

mc question bank chp 7

Q1. explain the goals of mobile IP.

Q2. Explain the use of tunneling and encapsulation.

Q3. Explain the errors in a wireless network which degrade TCP performance. Briefly explain how TCP snooping can improve this Situation.

Q4. How can DHCP be used for mobility and support of mobile IP?

Q5. Explain congestion control and snooping in TCP in detail.

Q6. Write a short notes on:


b) Mobile TCP.

c) Mobile Agent

d)Wireless sensor networks.

e) IPV6.

f) Reverse tunneling

mc question bank chp 6

Q1. Explain in detail the services provided by WATM.

Q2. Write the requirements for radio access layer.

Q3. Expalin in detail generic reference model for WATM

mc question bank chp 5

Q1. Explain IEEE 802.11 system architecture with neat diagram.

Q2. Expalin PHY and MAC frame format in detail.

With neat diagram explain HIPERLAN protocol architecture.

Q4. Explain MAC sublayer in detail.

Q5. Explain Bluetooth protocol stack.

Q6. Write a short note on :

a) Zigbee


c) Wimax

d) WPBX(wireless broadband)

e) Bluetooth

Q7. Differentiate between :

a) Infrastructure and adhoc network

b) Infrared and radio transmission.

c) Single cell and Multiple cell Wireless LAN.

mc question bank chp 4

Q1. Explain in detail LEO, GEO and MEO

mc question bank chp 3

Q1. What are the reasons for delay in GSM system for packet data traffic? Draw and explain the protocol architecture of GSM.

Q2. Explain different methods to increase the capacity of GSM mobile system.

Q3. Draw and explain the architecture of GPRS.

Q4. Explain the modes of GPRS.

Q5. Expalin the international roaming of GSM.

Q6. Draw and explain basic architecture of UMTS.

Q7. Expalin in detail UTRA FDD mode and UTRA TDD mode.

Q8. Differentiate between :

a) Wired and wireless local loop

b) CDMA and GSM

Q9. Write a short note on :

a) H.323 Network.

b) iGSM issues

c) CDMA2000

d) QoS in 3G


f) IMT-2000


mc question bank chp 2

Q1. Explain with neat diagram architecture of PCS.

Q2. Explain Advanced mobile phone service(AMPS).

Q3. Explain digital European cordless telephone (DECT) in detail.

Q4. Explain Personal handy phone system(PHS).

Q5. Explain personal access communication system(PACS) in detail.

Q6. Explain 3G wireless systems in detail.

Q7. Explain strategies for handoff detection.

Q8. Write a short note on:

1. Message Routing.

2. Mobility management.

3. Channel Assignment.

4. Roaming management.

5. Network Signaling.

mc question bank chp 1

Q1. Differentiate between FHSS and DSSS

Q2. Explain Hidden & Exposed terminal problem. How MACA avoids these problems?

Q3. What is spread spectrum? How Spreading can be achieved? What are the merits of spread spectrum technique?

Q4.Explain various modulation techniques used in mobile computing.

Q5. Write a short note on: a

a) Near and far terminals

b) Polling


d) Multiple access collision avoidance

e) Inhibit sense multiple access

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

mc lab manual 5th expt

Experiment No:5

Experiment Name: MIDlet to create Smiling Face Game.

Resources Required:

a . Equipments/Machines:

PIII 810 MHz, 20 GB HDD, 128 MB RAM, 1.44 FDD

14” color Monitor, 101 Keyboard, Serial mouse, LAN card

Dot matrix printer.

S/W : Sun Java Wireless Toolkit , Java

b . Consumables: Printer pages for printouts.


For several reasons, the Canvas may move into the background—for example, if the display is set to another displayable object or if the device displays a system dialog. In these cases, the Canvas is notified by the hideNotify() method. When the Canvas becomes visible (again), the corresponding counterpart, showNotify(), is called. Before you begin development, let us first say a few words about the Javagochi itself. A Javagochi has a weight that is initialized with its IDEAL_WEIGHT. It also owns an instance of Display, Face, and Consumption, which will be explained later. Finally, it stores a score value for the care the owner spends on the Javagochi.The happiness of the Javagochi is determined by the deviation of its current weight from the ideal weight, ranging from 10 to 0.This formula also demonstrates how to circumvent problems with the absence of floating point arithmetic. In order to avoid loss of significant fractions, the values are scaled up before division.Like all other known life forms, the Javagochi can die. Javagochies only die from sadness when their happiness level reaches zero.

The only other action a Javagochi can perform besides dying is to transform energy to matter and back. Since a weight change may change the Javagochi's look, a repaint is requested in the transform() method.In many cases, it is a good idea to scale displayed graphics depending on the actual screen size. Otherwise, the display will look nice on one particular device type, but won't fit the screen on devices with a lower screen resolution or become unnecessarily small on devices with higher screen resolutions. We will now show how scaling works for the Javagochi example. A picture of a Javagochi is shown in Figure 3.19. You will start by drawing the shape of the face, a simple ellipse. In this case, the ellipse will reflect the Javagochi's weight. If the Javagochi is at its ideal weight, the ellipse becomes a circle.

Code For

import java.util.*;

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

class Consumption extends TimerTask {

Javagochi javagochi;

public Consumption (Javagochi javagochi) {

this.javagochi = javagochi;


public void run () {

javagochi.transform (-1 - javagochi.score/100 );



class KeyConfirmer extends TimerTask {

Face face;

public KeyConfirmer (Face face) {

this.face = face;


public void run () {

face.keyConfirmed ();



class Face extends Canvas {

public static final String[] keys = {"abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl",

"mno", "pqrs", "tuv", "wxyz"};

Javagochi javagochi;

Timer keyTimer;

int keyMajor = -1;

int keyMinor;

char needed = 'a';

Face (Javagochi javagochi) {

this.javagochi = javagochi;


public void paint (Graphics g) {

g.setColor (255, 255, 255);

g.fillRect (0, 0, getWidth (), getHeight ());

int height = Math.min (getHeight (), getWidth ()) / 2;

int width = height * javagochi.weight

/ javagochi.IDEAL_WEIGHT;

g.translate (getWidth () / 2, getHeight () / 2);

g.setColor (255, 255, 255 - javagochi.getHappiness () * 25);

g.fillArc (- width / 2, - height / 2, width, height, 0, 360);

g.setColor (0, 0, 0);

g.drawArc (- width / 2, - height / 2, width, height, 0, 360);

g.drawString ("Score: "+javagochi.score, 0, -getHeight ()/2,


String keySelect = "";

if (keyMajor != -1) {

String all = keys [keyMajor];

keySelect = all.substring

(0, keyMinor) + "[" + all.charAt (keyMinor)

+ "]" + all.substring (keyMinor+1);


g.drawString ("Feed: " + needed + " " + keySelect,

0, getHeight ()/2, Graphics.BOTTOM|Graphics.HCENTER);

drawEye (g, - width / 6, - height / 5, height / 15 + 1);

drawEye (g, width / 6, - height / 5, height / 15 + 1);

switch (javagochi.getHappiness () / 3) {

case 0:

case 1:

g.drawArc (-width/6, height/7, width/3, height/6, 0, 180);


case 2:

g.drawLine (-width/6, height/7, width/6, height/7);



g.drawArc (-width/6, height/7, width/3, height/6, 0, -180);



void drawEye (Graphics graphics, int x0, int y0, int w) {

if (javagochi.isDead ()) {

graphics.drawLine (x0 - w/2, y0, x0 + w/2, y0);

graphics.drawLine (x0, y0 - w/2, x0, y0 + w/2);



graphics.fillArc (x0-w/2, y0-w/2, w, w, 0, 360);


public synchronized void keyPressed (int keyCode) {

int index = keyCode - KEY_NUM2;

if (keyTimer != null) keyTimer.cancel ();

if (index <> keys.length)

keyMajor = -1;

else {

if (index != keyMajor) {

keyMinor = 0;

keyMajor = index;


else {


if (keyMinor >= keys [keyMajor].length ())

keyMinor = 0;


keyTimer = new Timer ();

keyTimer.schedule (new KeyConfirmer (this), 500);


repaint ();


synchronized void keyConfirmed () {

if (keyMajor != -1) {

if (keys [keyMajor].charAt (keyMinor) == needed) {

javagochi.score += javagochi.getHappiness ();

if (!javagochi.isDead ())

needed = (char) ('a'

+ ((System.currentTimeMillis () / 10) % 26));

javagochi.transform (10);


keyMajor = -1;

repaint ();




public class Javagochi extends MIDlet {

static final int IDEAL_WEIGHT = 100;

Display display;

Face face = new Face (this);

int weight = IDEAL_WEIGHT;

Timer consumption;

int score;

public int getHappiness () {

int happiness = 20 - (weight > IDEAL_WEIGHT

? 10 * weight / IDEAL_WEIGHT

: 10 * IDEAL_WEIGHT / weight);

if (happiness < happiness ="">

else if (happiness > 10) happiness = 10;

return happiness;


public boolean isDead () {

return getHappiness () == 0;


public void transform (int amount) {

if (!isDead ()) {

weight += amount;

face.repaint ();



public void startApp () {

display = Display.getDisplay (this);

display.setCurrent (face);

consumption = new Timer ();

consumption.scheduleAtFixedRate (new Consumption (this), 500, 500);


public void pauseApp () {

consumption.cancel ();


public void destroyApp (boolean forced) {



Conclusion : Thus we have successfully created MIDlet for smiling face game.

mc lab manual 4th expt

Experiment No:4

Experiment Name: MIDlet to create buffered stop watch.

Resources Required:

a . Equipments/Machines:

PIII 810 MHz, 20 GB HDD, 128 MB RAM, 1.44 FDD

14” color Monitor, 101 Keyboard, Serial mouse, LAN card

Dot matrix printer.

S/W : Sun Java Wireless Toolkit , Java

b . Consumables: Printer pages for printouts.


When we perform animations, we can first calculate the display content and then call repaint() in order to paint the new frame. But how do we know that the call to paint() has finished? One possibility would be to call serviceRepaints(), which blocks until all pending display updates are finished. The problem with serviceRepaints() is that paint() may be called from another thread. If the thread calling serviceRepaints() holds any locks that are required in paint(), a deadlock may occur. Also, calling serviceRepaints() makes sense only from a thread other than the event handling thread. Otherwise, key events may be blocked until the animation is over. An alternative to serviceRepaints() is calling callSerially() at the end of the paint() method. The callSerially() method lets we put Runnable objects in the event queue. The run() method of the Runnable object is then executed serially like any other event handling method. In the run() method, the next frame can be set up, and a new repaint can be requested there.

To demonstrate this execution model, we will build a simple stopwatch that counts down a given number of seconds by showing a corresponding pie slice using the fillArc() method. The Canvas implementation stores the current slice in degree, the start time, the total amount of seconds and the MIDlet display in local variables. In order to make use of callSerially(), our Canvas implements the Runnable interface. When the StopWatchCanvas is created, you store the given display and seconds. Then, the current time is determined and stored, too. In the paint() method, you clear the display. If you need to draw more than 0 degrees, you fill a corresponding arc with red color and request recalculation of the pie slice using callSerially(). Finally, you draw the outline of the stopwatch by setting the color to black and calling drawArc().This method is invoked by the event handling thread as a result of the previous display.callSerially(this) statement. In this case, it just calculates a new pie slice and requests a repaint().

As always, we need a MIDlet to actually display our StopWatchCanvas implementation.

Code For

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

class BufferedStopWatchCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable {

int degree = 360;

long startTime;

int seconds;

Display display;

Image offscreen;

BufferedStopWatchCanvas (Display display, int seconds) {

this.display = display;

this.seconds = seconds;

if (!isDoubleBuffered () && false)

offscreen = Image.createImage (getWidth (), getHeight ());

startTime = System.currentTimeMillis ();


public void paint (Graphics g) {

Graphics g2 = offscreen == null

? g

: offscreen.getGraphics ();

g2.setGrayScale (255);

g2.fillRect (0, 0, getWidth (), getHeight ());

if (degree > 0) {

g2.setColor (255, 0, 0);

g2.fillArc (0,0, getWidth (), getHeight (), 90, degree);

display.callSerially (this);


g2.setGrayScale (0);

g2.drawArc (0, 0, getWidth ()-1, getHeight ()-1, 0, 360);

if (offscreen != null)

g.drawImage (offscreen, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.RIGHT);


public void run () {

int permille = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis ()

- startTime) / seconds);

degree = 360 - (permille * 360) / 1000;

repaint ();



public class BufferedStopWatch extends MIDlet {

public void startApp () {

Display display = Display.getDisplay (this);

display.setCurrent (new BufferedStopWatchCanvas (display, 10));


public void pauseApp () {


public void destroyApp (boolean forced) {



Conclusion : Thus we have successfully created Buffered stop watch.

mc lab manual 3rd expt

Experiment No. 3

Experiment Name: MIDlet to display Current Date and Time.

Resources Required:

a . Equipments/Machines:

PIII 810 MHz, 20 GB HDD, 128 MB RAM, 1.44 FDD

14” color Monitor, 101 Keyboard, Serial mouse, LAN card

Dot matrix printer.

S/W : Sun Java Wireless Toolkit , Java

b . Consumables: Printer pages for printouts.


Each MIDlet must extend the abstract MIDlet class found in the javax.microedition.midlet package, much like creating an applet by extending the java.applet.Applet class. At the minimum, your MIDlet must override three methods of this abstract class, startApp(), pauseApp(), and destroyApp(boolean unconditional).

In this example, DateTimeApp's constructor creates the element that is necessary to display the time on a device's screen and the startApp method does the actual task of displaying this element.

Copy this code into a file called and save it in a folder that mimics its package structure (com\j2me\part1). You can save it anywhere you want on your machine; as far as this article is concerned, we will save it in the folder C:\WTK22\article\com\j2me\part1.

For the example application, our Date-Time MIDlet does not need user interactivity. It needs to display the current date and time for a few seconds when the user executes the MIDlet

Code For :

package com.j2me.part1;

import java.util.Date;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;

import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;

public class DateTimeApp extends MIDlet {

Alert timeAlert;

public DateTimeApp() {

timeAlert = new Alert("Alert!");

timeAlert.setString(new Date().toString());


public void startApp() {



public void pauseApp() {


public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {



Conclusion : Thus we have successfully created MIDlet for displaying Current Date and Time.

mc lab manual 2nd expt

Experiment No.2

Experiment Name: MIDlet for Simple Hello world Program.

Resources Required:

a . Equipments/Machines:

PIII 810 MHz, 20 GB HDD, 128 MB RAM, 1.44 FDD

14” color Monitor, 101 Keyboard, Serial mouse, LAN card

Dot matrix printer.

S/W : Sun Java Wireless Toolkit , Java

b . Consumables: Printer pages for printouts.


MIDlets vs Applets

MIDlets are applets for mobile phones. Just like applets, they run in a protected sandbox - the KVM - but unlike applets, they are extremely limited. MIDP 1.0 is currently found on most Java-capable phones and is fairly restrictive. As an example - the KVM doesn't allow you to process floating point numbers yet and MIDlets written for MIDP 1.0 can't access anything outside of the sandbox without proprietary APIs from phone manufacturers. So, put your dreams of developing the ultimate MIDlet with hooks into every part of your phone OS on the backburner for a while. We're going to write our first MIDlet - a full-featured "Hello MIDlet" application.

Simple HelloMIDlet

We're going to use a program called Ktoolbar from the JAVA WTK which we installed earlier.

  • Go to Start->Programs->J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.1->KToolbar.
  • Click on the New Project button and name your project HelloProject and your MIDlet HelloMidlet.
  • Once you press Create Project, KToolbar will create a bunch of directories for your project in the apps subdirectory. We're going to ignore most of them for the moment and focus on a few important ones

C:\j2mewtk\apps\HelloProject - the main directory for your project
C:\j2mewtk\apps\HelloProject\bin - where Ktoolbar stores .jar, .jar and files
C:\j2mewtk\apps\HelloProject\classes - where the class files are stored
C:\j2mewtk\apps\HelloProject\src - where the source .java files are stored

Code For :-

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

public class HelloMidlet

extends MIDlet

implements CommandListener {

private Form mMainForm;

public HelloMidlet() {

mMainForm = new Form("HelloMidlet");

mMainForm.append(new StringItem(null, "Hello, MIDP! \n\nYou and me - we're gonna make sweet MIDlets together! "));

mMainForm.addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0));



public void startApp() {



public void pauseApp() {}

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {}

public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) {




Conclusion : Thus we have implemented simple hello MIDlet.

Mobile computing assignment number 2

Q1. What are the reasons for delay in GSM system for packet data traffic? Draw and explain the protocol architecture of GSM.

Q2.Expalin the errors in a wireless network which degrade TCP performance. Briefly explain how TCP snooping can improve this Situation.

Q3.What characteristics do the different orbits have? What are their pros and cons?

Q4. How can DHCP be used for mobility and support of mobile IP?

Q5. Explain various handover Mechanisms in cellular system.

Q6.What is near far problem in CDMA system?

Q7. What do you mean by frequency reuse concept?

Q8. Explain different methods to increase the capacity of GSM mobile system

Mobile computing assignment number 1

Q1. Explain Hidden & Exposed terminal problem. How MACA avoids these problems?

Q2. What is spread spectrum? How Spreading can be achieved? What are the merits of spread spectrum technique?

Q3.Explain various modulation techniques used in mobile computing.

Q4. Differentiate between:


b) FHSS and DSSS

c) Infrastructure and Adhoc network

d) IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b

e) CDMA and GSM

f) Single cell and Multiple cell Wireless LAN.

Q5. Write a short note on:

a) WML.

b) DECT.

c) WATM networks.

d) Mobile IP.

e) Mobile Agents.

f) PACS.

g) Wired and wireless local loop.

h) Routing protocol in Ad-hoc Network.



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