Monday, January 4, 2010

Unit 7:Human population and the environment

Population growth variation among nations; Population explosion-family welfare program

Environment and human health; Human rights, Value education, HIV/AIDS , Women and child welfare , Role of information technology in environment and human health, Case studies(04 lectures)

Activity Questions: (For discussion)

It is observed that there is a speedy growth in population in Asian and African countries compared to US and Europe. What do you think must be the possible reason for the same?

Is population growth in our country a boon or a bane?

Do you think just controlling population is solution to environment problems?

Do you think value education can bring solution to environment problems?

What is the need of value education in Engineering curriculum?

Technology is only a means to achieve what is 'considered valuable', in an effective and efficient manner. It is not within the scope of technology, to decide what is valuable. This decision lies outside its scope. It is important to find out what is that subject or thought that decides on "what is valuable?" Without this decision, technology is aimless, directionless and therefore can be put to any use-constructive or destructive.

Particularly, the student who is trained in this kind of technology without having any exposure to the subject or thought that helps him to decide "what is valuable?", leaves him aimless, directionless and he is subject to get misused. He lacks self confidence, he has no commitment as he has no clarity about what he really wants to achieve as an individual and as a member of family, society and nature.

The subject that decides on "what is valuable?", what is of value for human being is called Value Education. This subject focuses on what a human being is, what is purposeful and meaningful for him- what is the aim of human being and his life and how he can meet this aim, this purpose. This elaborates on what role he has to play as responsible human being at the level of individual, family, society and nature.

With this clarity, he is able to see the meaning in life, purpose in life and is committed to fulfill that meaning, that purpose. This clarity and the satisfaction obtained out of the fulfillment of this purpose, gives him a feeling of self confidence. This instills confidence in their inner strengths. The students need to have this confidence in order to be able to proactively set their own goals. If the goal is set proactively (and not by default 'peer' pressure) the motivation comes from within and the rest follows- in terms of his commitment, untiring effort leading to success in achieving his aim, and his purpose of life.

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