Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ecosystems Concepts of ecosystems , Structure and function of an ecosystem , Producers, consumers and decomposers , Energy flow in ecosystems, Ecological succession, Food chains, food web and ecological pyramids, Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of following ecosystems a. Forest ecosystems b. Grassland ecosystems c. Desert ecosystems d. Aquatic ecosystems( ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries) ( 03 L)

What constitutes an ecosystem?

The living community of plants and animals in any area together with the non living components of the environment – such as soil, air and water constitute the ecosystem.

What are the classifications of ecosystem?

Broadly ecosystem can be of two types

Natural and Manmade.

Natural ecosystem consists of forests, grass lands, aquatic etc.

Manmade ecosystem consists of agricultural land and urban and industrial land use patterns.

What do you know about Keystone species?

These are the species if eliminated may seriously affect the ecosystem.

What are the major classifications of aquatic ecosystem?

Fresh water ecosystem and marine ecosystem.

Fresh water ecosystem – streams , rivers , ponds & lakes etc…

Marine ecosystem – Deltas, coastal shallows and deep ocean.

What is meant by In-situ and ex-situ conservation?

In-situ conservation is where a species is conserved in its own environment by creating national parks or wildlife sanctuaries. On the other hand ex-situ conservation is where a species is carefully conserved outside its natural habitat. Ex-situ conservation is mainly for those species that are rapidly driven to extinction.

Match the following forests with their conducive environment.

(a) Coniferous forest –cold temperature

(b) Evergreen forests – High rainfall

(c) Deciduous forests – moderate rainfall

(d) Thorn forests – Semi-arid regions

(e) Mangrove forests – Along the coast & river delta.

Descriptive type questions:

  1. Explain the energy flow in the ecosystem
  2. Explain the various types of forest in India.
  3. Explain the major classifications of aquatic ecosystem

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