Sunday, January 3, 2010


Natural Resources Renewable and non- renewable resources Natural resources and associated problems a) Forest resources: use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. b) Water resources: use and over utilization of surfaces and ground water, floods drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. c) Mineral resources: use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral sources, case studies. d) Food resources: World food problems overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizers-pesticides problems, Water logging, salinity, case studies. e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, Renewable and non- renewable sources ,Use of alternate energy sources, case studies f) Land resources: Land as a resource, Land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification ;Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use resources for sustainable lifestyles (4L)


What are the four fundamental components of environment?

Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere.

Can you give example of renewable energy sources?

Water, timber and those that can be regenerated by natural process such as re growth or rainfall are examples of renewable energy sources.

Can you give example of non renewable energy sources?

Minerals and oils that will be exhausted as we continue to extract are examples of renewable energy sources.

Why do we need to conserve renewable energy source if that can be regenerated by natural process?

Renewable energy sources such as water, timber etc get regenerated by natural process such as re growth or rainfall. But the concern is that the rate at which they are depleted is much faster than the rate at which nature can replace them.

What significance forests have on human life?

Forest cover acts like a sponge which holds water in the rainy season and releases it slowly over the drier periods. Forest gives natural shelter to wild life.

Do you think the pressure on india’s resource is serious. Why?

Yes. The country accounts for 2.4% of the world's surface, but sustains around 17% of the world's population, so the pressure on resources is intense.

What are the main mineral reserves of India?

India's main mineral reserves are coal, iron ore and bauxite.

How much do you think is the total energy produced in the country?

India is the fifth-largest power producer in the world, with a total power generation of more than 600bn kwh per year.

What is the source of power that we use?

We draw power mainly from coal-based power plants that account for 55% followed by oil 31% of total power generation. India has abundant coal reserves commercially proven reserves are sufficient to cover current demand for over 100 years at current rates of extraction. Fossil fuels will remain India’s predominant source of energy, but the government has pledged to increase efficiency and develop renewable energy sources. Nuclear power accounts for 3% of total electricity supply. Hydroelectric power generation contributes 6% to total supply.

Descriptive type questions:

  1. What are the various ways in which solar energy can be tapped?
  2. What are the various advantages of forest resources?
  3. What are the various mineral resources that are available in our country.

Explain the problems related to mining of these minerals.

  1. What are the advantages and limitations of Biogas plants?
  2. Explain the features of wind and tidal power plants.

Activity Questions:

You have understood that Forest cover acts like a sponge which holds water in the rainy season and releases it slowly over the drier periods. Can you name one in Mumbai?

Can you name the lakes that supply water to Mumbai city?

How much water does one person need a day? Do you know the term per capita consumption? What is the per capita consumption estimated as normal requirement by various agencies.

Activity Questions: (For discussion)

Energy requirement for production in India

It is estimated that to produce 1ton of steel India spends 9.5 million Kilocalories whereas in Japan the energy requirement is 4.2 million Kilocalories. It is also estimated that to produce 1ton of cement India spends 2 million Kilocalories whereas in USA the energy requirement is 1million Kilocalories. Try to gather more information and have your discussion.

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